Thursday, July 19, 2007

We the walking wounded

You know if i was ever going to make one sweeping generalisation about people in general, it would be simply this, that the majority of people in this world, save for a lucky few, are all walking wounded. As in, everyone's got their baggage, and quite frankly... alot of us just don't know what to do with it.

On a side note, its fitting that its raining outside today. Very Fitting.

Its strange really, I mean as having shit happen to you, I guess I got off pretty light (as compared to some of the stories I've heard from people). And after hearing... well quite a few stories really, i've come to one conclusion. For the most part I really cannot understand another person's pain. And in that same line of thought, no one is really going to be able to understand the pain that I personally would go through.

We can empathise, we can feel just a little (if we try) of another person's pain, but to truly understand it? Unless you can say you've gone through the exact same event, with the same circumstances, with the same frame of mind....

See why i say its impossible for another person to truly understand another's pain?

But then that does not mean that we as people can't help those that have hurts. That we as people can't help a person with their scars. Just, we can't ever truly heal a person. Not by our willpower... no matter how earnest we are.... no matter how much we may truly care about the person. We can never force a person to be well.

All we can really do is let the person know its ok to be messed up. That its ok to be just that little bit broken. That even if they act silly because of that brokeness, we uinderstand and will continue being there for them. Though honestly this does not mean giving hurt people a free pass to acting like absolute brats or bitches (take your pick of word =P whichever applies better :D)

In essence be a shoulder for them to lean on when they can't stand...

the person holding them while they cry their eyes out...

The person pushing them to stand again after they've broken down..

And the person who loves them no matter how many times they need to go through this process.

Because frankly, we are going to need that too.


(if i could take away your pain, i would. I really really would)

1 comment:

castalnetta said...

its like what meredith said in greys anatomy. "we are all damaged. and we do damage to others"

smile ken... its the weekend =)