Sunday, September 16, 2007

Of lazy sunday afternoons

Today I got absolutely NOTHING productive done....

but you know what?

I wouldn't have traded this day for the world.

Its days like this which just... i don't know... remind you of the simple pleasures in life maybe? The day pretty much went like this... woke up... went to eat kfc with Va, Nic and Xtina... Va left early cos of work so we went to the hill with the cherry blossoms and just literally sat for two hours. Well not just sitting , but we were out there awhile.

And it was FANTASTIC.

Actually come to think of it, there was alot of sitting round doing nothing at first. Me and Nic were just enjoying the sun and talking bout stuffs... which realy was nice actually.

There was this jap family enjoying the day too, and ya know.... watching them play... that was really cool. There's something really nice (not sure if that's the right word) about watching a happy family together. Makez a guy want to have one of his own it does...

Well anyways Xtina came back from lib and we ended up doing cartwheels and handstands and stuff. now I haven't done this sorta thing in public since i was a kid... and damn... i loved it. Lol just clowning around on the hill.... in the sun.... under the cherry blossoms.... man that was awesome!

But the best part came when we decided to try rolling down the hill.... now honestly....its.....


lol i know it sounds silly but rolling down a hill really is incredibly fun! like really really really FUN! loved it =D

I reckon that's prob the high point... but really today just been one of those days. Comfortable? yeah guess that's a good word for it.

Loved it... and its peaceful, fun, lazy sunday afternoons like this which makes life worthwhile

anyways i'm out~

Peace all!

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