Thursday, August 02, 2007

An addition to the thoughts that i put on yesterday....

Lainey pointed out that gambling is also a part of gaming. And it is arguably the hardest part to deal with. Here's what she said:
you wrote about gaming as a way of getting a bit of control over yourself and circumstances; but the problem is that it gets tricky because we all have the inbuilt instinct that some of the best things in life require us to stake our all in one big gamble

It's a very interesting thought aye... I mean, I know with me... when it comes to things i think are worthwhile... my first instinct is to throw myself headfirst into it. Lol also explains why i'm an impulse shopper but that's beside the point =P

Man... why does this sorta thing always have to be so complicated =P lol

Ah well~

Cookout in abit... WOOP WOOP!


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